Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter...a day late

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. My Dad is home after 4 weeks in the hospital (see my last post for details). We had a welcome home celebration/family dinner with him on Saturday. It was such a blessing to spend the day with him. He sat in a chair and fed himself for the first time in a month, and had an appetite!

On Sunday, we spent the day with Church activities! Morning worship followed by an afternoon egg hunt and cookout! The weather was perfect and my heart was ripe for worship! What a day. I even tried a little side walk chalk art with the kiddos. (my joints were the only ones popping when I stood up, though...LOL)

I have been back in the scraproom...hope to share a bit later. Hope that your day is wonderfully blessed!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would call this recovery time. God gives us what we need. Eventho I am not in heart is always filled with Jesus. The One who knows all about it.

Annette said...

Hi Tammie! So happy to hear your dad is home, sounds like you guys had a great time on Saturday. Love your chalk artwork, it's so pretty and colorful!

Audrey Pettit said...

So happy your father made it home for Easter and that you all had a wonderful day together. It just doesn't get any better than that!