Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bright, Bright, Sunshiny Day!

It is a Gorgeous day here in my part of the world. Beautiful sunshine, temperatures in the mid 60's. Aah....Spring at last! I have had a pleasant day. I went with my sister to take our Dad to an appointment this morning. It is always a pleasure to be with them. Then, hubby and I went out for lunch before he left for work this afternoon. When I got home, I broke the leaf rake out of hiding and did an hour and a half of yard work. I will probably be unable to lift my arms tomorrow, but it sure felt good today!

I took half an hour to sit at my scrap desk and this is what I came up with today. A bright and happy card! Isn't this cupcake scrumptous? And not a calorie in it! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! It looks exactly like icing. Wow..can't wait to dive into that cup cake. It's a beautiful card T. I enjoyed my time with you also, seems there is just never enough. Makes me sad. BUT the sun is shining!!!! lol

Amber said...

It was a beautiful day T! Delilah (horse) is under the's no fun giving 2 shots to a horse! But she will be getting them 2x's a day till Saturday.
Love your cupcake! Looks good enough to eat, how'd you do that amazing icing?