Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hippity...Hoppity....Easter's On Its Way

I love Easter...everything about is my all-time favorite Holy Day! I love the fact that Jesus Christ paid the price for my sins and rose from the dead! I am thankful that I have accepted Him as my Savior! I love bright Spring sunshine and new blooms peeking through the branches of a neighboring crabapple tree! I love Easter Eggs....everything about them...from their bright colors to the squeals of delight when a child finds one. (I am prepared for my Sunday School Class to find the 120 or so that I have prepared for them :) I even love peeling away the pretty shell and eating a couple during the hunt. (I know, I know, salmonella risk:) I just love the Day! And this coming Easter, we have ALL day activities at our Church, beginning at 6AM and lasting probably until 6PM!

In honor of the decorations for our Easter Breakfast and Dinner....I have made a variety of decorated eggs to put on the pretty grasses running along the centers of our dining tables. I have foiled, tissued, decoupaged, glittered, bling-ed, painted and stickered. All that is left is decorating a few "REAL" eggs just for the fun of it. I look forward to those the most. My niece, Amber, has generously shared a couple dozen bantum eggs from her farm for my coloring pleasure. They are small and are the kind that my sweet Grandparents colored for me as a child. What precious memories!

Also, I wanted to include a glimpse of Packer Puppy on his very first "outdoor activity." He is my rescue Puppy and in light of his verrry difficult beginning, is only now strong enough and warm enough, thanks to his new coat,to be out of doors. This is him taking his first walk around the yard. He loved the grass...the butterflies...a leaf blowing in the wind! He hated the neighbor's lawnmower....the neighbor's dog....and the neighbor! Oh well, baby steps!


Anonymous said...

Oh T...Packer is adorable and still so tiny. He is standing like a Pit Bull and in his little mind I'm sure he thinks he is one.
Love the Easter eggs and like you..Easter is my favorite holiday. There is just something about the newness of spring that overfills my heart with emotions that have no name.

Amber said...

What beautiful Easter eggs T...sounds like you used every technique possible to make them pretty!
And how cute that Packer finally got to go outside. I love his little vest, hehe! Very stylish!

Mary said...

Love the eggs! Great Great work! The little man looks so excited to be seeing the big world around him!

Annette said...

Beautiful eggs Tammie! What a fun project decorating all of them! Your little Packer Puppy is adorable, glad to hear he is doing so well!