Sunday, June 12, 2011

I had shared with you a few posts ago that my Dad had been very ill, in and out of the hospital since January of this year, wanting to go home and getting to, just after having a beautiful near-death experience, well, on May 29th, he went to his ETERNAL HOME. His wishes were to die at his home, not in a hospital and have his family and friends near. My sister was able to move in with him during those last 5 weeks of his life and see that his wishes were granted. I am very thankful that I was able to be with him constantly during the last 4 days that he lived.

This was the sky over his house the day before he passed away. I was so sure that morning that he would not make it through the day and when I looked out the window, this was the sky overhead. I grabbed my camera and ran outside, needing to get a shot of what I called "Dad's homecoming sky." He didn't pass until the next evening, but this picture speaks to my soul. We knew, at that point, that it was a matter of hours, not days.

My heart is at times, heavy. At other times, thankful. He was such a wonderful Dad and a precious friend. My husband said it best when he said the day following the funeral...."We just buried the best man that I have ever known." RIP Daddy...I'll see you when I get there and miss you every day until then.


Annette said...

I am so sorry for your loss Tammie, please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Annette

Audrey Pettit said...

Sending my biggest hugs to you, Tammie! My thoughts are with you!

Amber said...

Papaw was also the best man I ever knew. That's just so true.