Sunday, October 17, 2010


Often, I stop and count my blessings.....I am so thankful for so much...and so undeserving of it all! On this beautiful Fall Sunday, I am thankful for falling leaves in vibrant colors, a picnic in the mountains after church with my sweet hubby, the smell of woodsmoke on the evening air, acorns falling and it being so quiet that I could hear them land in the bed of leaves below! Sometimes...almost ALWAYS, the simplest things are the best!

A few weeks ago I found this beautiful old girl at a local flea market.....

The minute I saw her, I wanted her. She was old and worn (dated 1948), a bit banged here and there, but she was a beauty! And...she still WORKS! Now any of you who know me understand that while I love most things "crafty", I hate to, you say, why a sewing machine??? Well, because she is beautiful, like a priceless work of art...or the finest sculpture....and while she just "SITS" in my craft room, everytime I look at her, I smile. She is almost identical to the sewing maching that my granny had when I was a child...and somehow, she takes me those sweet days long ago...and again, I am blessed!


Unknown said...

Truly blessed more than anyone I know. Love the picture.

Annette said...

What a romantic day with your honey! I bet you were in awe of the beauty with the beautiful fall colors! Our leaves are patchy but they say we should be at peak within the next two weeks, I can't wait! I love your sewing machine, I would sit and stare at it also!
I finally got internet service and look forward to visiting your blog again, I've missed you! Hope you have a great week! Annette ♥

Audrey Pettit said...

Hi there, Tammie! What a wonderful photo of you and your hubby out in the woods. It looks just beautiful there. I think our leaves are a bit behind yours. I keep waiting for them to really turn because it's just so beautiful then.
Love, love, love the antique sewing machine you found. I think it's beautiful, too.......whether you use it or just look at it. I have loved antiques for most of my life and really enjoy having them in my home.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!