Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This Week's CPCM Challenge

Hi all....I hope that you are having a beautiful, sunny day wherever you are! This weeks CPCM Challenge is to use ribbon on a LO and feature a blessing in your life. This is my answer to that challenge. My niece, Amber Goble, is doing a great job as a member of their design team and I love her weekly challenge, although, Amber, I still cannot get my LO to upload to their gallery. Any suggestions?

Yesterday afternoon, I took Packer out for a nice romp around the yard while hubby was cutting grass. He loved it and spent most of the time chasing the lawnmower...at a safe distance of course ;) I could definitely see the "hound" in him when he scented a squirrel that eats in our Walnut tree. He kept playing and then going back to the tree to look for that wonderful "furry critter" that left that delicious smell :) He didn't know to look up, so, of course, he didn't spot him.

Hope your day is great!


Anonymous said...

Hey T..love the LO. Packer is finally a DOG. Up until now I'd say poor little thing. LOL

Amber said...

Love your LO T! The ribbon & flowers are so pretty. I don't think you have to be a member to post in the gallery because I posted before I was a member. Last week when you tried to post the server was down...have no idea what happened this week!
Little Packer is adorable. That little vest of his makes me smile every time I see it!

Annette said...

Beautiful layout, love the flowers! Packer is too cute! Our dogs are always on the hunt for something furry, especially in the wood piles and construction mess we have. I try and shoo them away when they find something because I want to save the little critter!